Sunday, February 11, 2007

2 Healthy Tortoises

We finally have a healthy Tortoise - well in fact 2 of them. As I've said, I was a bit un-happy about having just one on its own, and I think Lorri felt the same so it seemed like a good idea to get a pair.

We've named them Angus and Layla - and this also infers the fact that we hope we have a Male and a Female, but as they are only 9 months old it is almost impossible to tell, so we just had to make a guess based on the length of their tails and the shape of their shells underneath their bodies - we'll probably find out in just under 2 years whether we're right or not as it's usually from 2 years onwards that you can tell.

They've certainly showed up just how ill Lola was - they both sleep a fair amount, but also have periods where they almost run around the vivarium whereas Lola really did nothing but sleep and just look ill.

It was a real shame we couldn't have treated her ourselves, but hopefully she'll get that back at the pet shop and will be sold fit and healthy to a new home.
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