Sunday, January 07, 2007

A sad weekend

This weekend has to go down as possibly the most un-happy of my life as my Grandad died on Thursday.

He was quite simply the most wonderful Grandad anyone could wish to have - he was just the most un-believably kind and generous person I've ever known and has been a huge influence on me as a person and I'm going to miss him incredibly.

One of his favourite past times was spending time in his workshop doing woodwork of various sorts, and it's certainly the place where you can feel his prescence most - it's also the place that got to us all emotionally more than any other.

He used to spend hours in there sculpting model boats out of driftwood or turning something on his lathe, and when I was younger I would often spend time in there with him just doing my own thing and watching him doing his thing so thought it seemed quite apt to put a couple of pictures of his workshop on here.

The amount of tools he has is staggering - my grandparents had been living there for 40 years and he was someone who just never chucked anything out so if there is any tool invented that he doesn't have then I'd be suprised!

The only problem with this is that at some point we're going to have to clear it all out which I think is going to be quite a heart rendering process. You hear of people keeping the room of a loved one exactly as it was the day they died and that's kind of how I feel about his workshop, but maybe in a few weeks, or months, or maybe even years I'll feel differently about it - hopefully between my Mum, Aunt, Sister and myself we'll be able to hang on to as much of his stuff as possible, but I think it's going to be difficult binning anything.

Rest in peace grandpa.
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